Jenn Sleigh


I am a gardener by trade, and spend my days with my husband Eric and our two little girls, Lila (5) and Ellie (3). When I’m not gardening, studying plants, designing, or learning everything there is to know about essential oils, I’m tromping around the beaches and forests of Vancouver Island with my family.

Natural health has always been at the top of my list so when I was introduced to Young Living by a friend, it was the perfect fit for me. I was already a believer in the healing power of plants as I experienced it every day with my hands in the dirt! So I dove head-first into the oily community and have been amazed by the support and friendships waiting for me there. I continue to learn every day, and am newly started on the path to incorporating oils into every aspect of my life. Ridding my home of toxic chemicals is a top priority, along with helping others learn how to use essential oils. I am forever grateful for the empowerment these oils are giving me.