Amanda Queen


Amanda is obsessed with essential oils, natural remedies, and real food. She's a physician assistant, fellowship trained in Integrative Medicine, through the University of Arizona with Dr. Andrew Weil. She's a homeschooling mama, and recently made the transition from city life in California to country living in Tennessee.

Over 6 years ago, a toddler refusing to nap led her down the most amazing journey, when a friend's simple suggestion to try some Peace & Calming changed everything. Using essential oils for 10 years before coming to Young Living, Amanda was thrilled to find a brand that worked better, and was cleaner than anything else out there. Now, Young Living oils and other products are an integral part of their entire family's daily life.

Essentially Be Well allows her to combine passions for wellness and helping families. She is particularly interested in helping families and children, seeing the next generation as the greatest potential for meaningful change. Amanda is a Certified Aromatherapist with training in French Medicinal Aromatherapy.